
By Igor

“on your bike”

We’re up late this morning.  That’s because we didn’t get home until this morning - well past midnight.

We’d been up to Leicester to see/hear a German/Dutch duo who played with us last week in Germany.  It was also a bit of a band reunion as well, so went on longer than we expected.

Anniemay anticipated that I’d be a bit slow this morning and as it’s gym day today, offers an alternative form of exercise; a gentle bike ride with her - maybe a coffee and bun stop    -  what’s not to like? 

But when she gets out of bed her left foot looks like something out of a cartoon - as if it’s stuck in a red watermelon - she’s been bitten by something; it’s badly swollen and she can’t get her shoe on.  She can hardly walk.  She certainly can’t ride a bike.

It’s now too late for me to go to the gym.  I express my utter disappointment at this turn of events and bravely make my way to the sitting room to ponder less strenuous ways of coping with an unexpectedly free morning.

In the meantime she hobbles into the garage and sets up my old bike on the turbo trainer.  Not an easy feat (sorry) at the best of times because it’s buried behind a mirror which is in turn hiding a load of Dan’s stuff (temporarily …. hmm).

She even places an energy drink and a towel (towel?) next to the bike.  “Enjoy” she says.  Or something like that.

I manage to exploit the situation for my blip.  Although I probably spent more energy faffing around with it, than I did on the bike.

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