The blue flower of fantasy

I found this quote in the newspaper in an interview of Rainhard Fendrich and asked two of my Hanulli to perform with it.
Suddenly this little grashopper came along and asked:
"What's this? Can you eat it?"
My Hanulli repeated: "No. It's paper with words on it. It's a quote from the songwriter Rainhard Fendrich"
"I'm just born and can't read. Can you tell it to me?"
"Sure. There stands: "This process of creating something new is the inspirational - this blue flower of fantasy is like a herb for the spirit"
"Is it too difficult for wee grashoppers?"
"Yes. What is the blue flower of fantasy"
"Wait, we ask Wikipedia. Here, they say:
'A blue flower  was a central symbol of inspiration for the Romanticism movement, and remains an enduring motif in Western art today. It stands for desire, love and the metaphysical striving for the infinite and unreachable. It symbolizes hope and the beauty of things.'

"Oh! Okay..."
"Our bosses like this quote. She thinks that it fits very good to Blip. Creating photographs makes her happy, even in bad times"
"What's a bosses?"
"It's somebody, who cares about you, but sometimes you have to do crazy things for her"
"Does she have a blue flower to feed me? I'm hungry"
"We don't think so..."
"Than I'll leave now"
"Goodbye tiny. Take care!

For July the tag for the Tiny People Challenge is TiPS23 or TiPSJuly18.
I'm looking forward to many creative entries. You can tag as many entries as you like. Have fun and I hope you'll find a lot of Blue Flowers :-)

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