
By si_b

PPP ...

... a mantra that was passed to me by an amazing man, an old Signals RSM - "piss poor planning leads to piss poor performance"* - being passed on to my children - the eldest of whom here is seen route planning for next weeks holiday ...

A change today on the lens count - using a modern Fujinon 35mm f/1.4 on Fuji X-T2 - and with autofocus too !

I'm really debating which lenses to take with me, and if I take more than one body ... I know that I want a wide angle lens and I have a 16 - 50 Fujinon zoom, so that will probably come, and this 35mm - but from the classic lenses hmmm - a Helios 44 ? The Zenitar 16mm ? Jupiter 11 ? Shall I just bring a bigger bag and everything ? Arrrggh - decisions !

* although my personal favourite is still "These are British Army Waterproofs - once they are soaking wet, they don't get any wetter".

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