Time Machine

Terrible pic, obviously, but it's all I have of Betsy's drama group taking a bow.

We went to see what I hope will be the first of many Drama evenings at Betsy's school.

She was in the opening piece, called 'Time Machine' which was just the Year 7's, all in their paper boiler suits. It was very good. There were dance performances from the after school dance club, and the GCSE Dance students. Also the Year 8-11 Drama Club performed the same scene from West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet. They really were so good.

I'm so fascinated by the idea of stage presence, and it's so clear to see even in these young children who has it! There were dancers who just shone out, and actors who your eyes returned to again and again. It also can be quite clear who has had some kind of stage school training, though the ones who have that trained projection or the brilliant 'Smile!' smiles, aren't necessarily the ones who have that special something.....its obviously something you just can't teach.

It was all rather lovely and I hope Betsy continues to enjoy it.

Chris is very jet lagged and spent the afternoon in bed. Even when our smoke alarm went mad and went off about 15 times in a row for no reason, he didn't wake up.

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