horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Save the Children with a Dance

I had to admire this guy's enthusiasm as he invited everyone going past to join him in a wee dance. No-one was taking him up, making him look like a lonely flashmob (just two letters out really). Needless to say I get fed-up with people being paid a wodge of cash to stand on streets trying to get people to feel guilty enough to sign up for charity.

"Can you spare two minutes for poor innocent dying hard-done-by starved beaten neglected people in the world?" Answer 'no' and you look immediately like a bit of a git.

He was actually having a lot less success than an offer of a free hot drink not too far away. Though that might have had something to do with the cold weather. Or the fact that they didn't look like crazed clubbers who just hadn't got to bed yet.

Which is still, to my mind, a more depressing sight than a man, with a wheel, looking in a pawn shop window...

Anyway. Why is it impossible to find a pair of trousers, somewhere between smart and casual, which don't make me look like I'm trying to be a trendsetting footballer? If I wanted my trousers to look unwashed I just wouldn't wash them...

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