Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Evening all,

bit of backblipping coming up this weekend i feel.

There are still loads of photos from lots of cameras from this year and last that i need to sort out and upload if appropriate.

Has been a very busy week in lots of different ways, today i spent a large portion of the day interviewing a lot of highly skilled, highly educated,highly employable people for a fairly menial job, the majority of whom appeared to be unemployed through no fault of their own.

I don't interview very often, which means i always find it slightly humbling and get a little reality check when i do so, and i do feel an almost more acute weight of responsibility doing this than when making a clinical decision, still its a horses for courses situation i suppose, didn't seem to bother the HR bods too much.

anyhow, this is just a quick photo of the lady who teaches the camera class at Holmfirth, if Thursday nights are good for anything, they're teaching me the art of surreptitious portrait photos!

night all


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