An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Lola off on her jollies...

Today has been a day of going round in circles!

I blame the fact we are too organised so I keep going over and over everything again making sure nothing has been forgotten.

Ally took Alan for his holiday haircut so he is looking very handsome.  David got his holiday haircut yesterday so only me looking straggly (I had to cancel my hair appointment when I was ill and she couldn't fit me in before she went on holiday last week so I will have to wait till I get back!) 

We are packed apart from all the last minute stuff that will be flung into the "catch all" bag in the morning.  I am just about to make snack bags for the cars (rolls, fruit, sweets and water) then we will sit down with Jordan and Shelley and go over the route and the planned stops for Alan.

The keys have been handed over to our friend B who is housesitting while we are away so he will arrive tomorrow afternoon.  The builders will be here next week fixing the ceiling in the pool room then the pool guys will be back the following week to do the pool clean and maintenance checks of the pool cover and plant room.  By the time we come back it will hopefully all be completed.

I was going to go with David when he dropped Lola off at Evelyn's (doggy home boarder) but in the end I couldn't.  I would have made a fool of myself crying.

David took video footage of Lola as he left.  She was having the time of her life playing with Evelyn's two dogs and didn't even look at him!  She will have a ball but I will miss her like crazy!  She had to be my blip today (again! :-)  Here she is having a wee late morning snooze followed by her grooming session and a kiss from D then a final pose for me before she literally skipped out the door to go on her holiday adventure!

Ok, time for the final push then hopefully in bed sharp.  5am rise!!

PS I knew things were going too well.  The lock on the roof box on Alan's car won't lock properly!  David and Jordan are now emptying it, taking it off and putting the spare roof box on (an old one with a dent from one year in France where we forgot it was on the roof and tried to enter a car park with restricted height!) Thank heavens we kept it!


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