First Fruit.
When we BBQed at Kanyl's the other day Clickychick "suggested" a few jobs we should be getting on with when I visited on Thursday. One was start picking Raspberries. By normal horticultural practice there shouldn't be any, his canes are autumn fruiting. Owing to a bad attack of idleness or something at the end of last season he didn't cut out the canes as you are supposed to do. The result is the old canes are cropping now and the new canes coming up through them. Not sure if this will have any effect on next years crop or not.
I very nearly blipped the juvenile woodpecker again as in the morning I got some good shots of it perched on a dead branch in one of the bushes.
While at Kanyl's other jobs completed were oiling the garden furniture and mending a side of one of his raised beds. There were also a variety of flowers shot as potential blips but the Raspberries just looked so luscious they had the be the blip.
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