
By Veronica


It's Friiiiiday! And Begur has come to life again. El Tapas de Begur opened its doors, so we called in for a beer and some montaditos (slices of baguette with toppings held on with cocktail sticks). You help yourself and take the empty sticks to the bar when you pay so they know how much to charge you. Bigger sticks = more expensive.

Earlier, we called in at the library to see the photo exhibition. Last month there was a photo competition organised by the local council, and S convinced me to submit one of my Begur blips. I didn't expect it to win, and it didn't. But I was pleased that it was by no means the worst entry, in fact it was better, both technically and artistically, than the dreadful photo that won second prize. The winner was a very nicely composed sunset shot, and there were a few others that I would have given prizes to if I'd been judging. Funnily enough one of them was a virtual clone of this blip.

We tried a new place for lunch: menu del dia, 11 euros. The food corresponded to the price, but they'd gone to some effort with the presentation. It's the first time I've been served a shot glass of packet vegetable soup as a mise en bouche :)

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