
By JanBee


Stood on the platform
Waiting for the arrival
Of a train long gone

Had to go up to that London today for a business meeting. As there was only three of us we decided to meet in the cafe at the British Library ... what a brilliant idea - such an interesting place, also it meant I could get the tube to Kings Cross and have a wander through the newly refurbished St Pancras - what a treat!

I got on the dreaded Northern line to go back to London Bridge and there was this guy playing a beat up old guitar and singing to us all .... if only I was doing a sociology degree, what a rich vein of material this would have provided. Most of the women in the carriage entered into the spirit and starting chatting to each other and generally enjoyed the whole thing. The guys were less open. One guy sat through the whole thing with his ipod headphones stuck firmly in his ears. What a schmuck , surely any kind of live music is better than the isolating recorded variety?

Anyway needless to say I took a zillion photo's and had a hard job choosing anything.

I love the wistfulness of this sculpture of John Betjeman, he seems to be looking for an England which doesn't exist anymore ....

Other pictures from today are here

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow!

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