
By sp33dway


The little lie in worked it's magic this morning so coupled with a great breakfast and a not-as-rushed-as-usual coffee, I was enjoying my first day off for the 4-day easter break.

Took ourselves off shopping to Chester: me to buy a new drinking shirt, lady sp33d to buy whatever took her fancy. All was going swimmingly, mood-wise, until about 1hr in when I couldn't actually FIND a shirt I liked for the budget I'd set myself. All the gear I DID like was a daft price (I detest the thought of buying so-called 'designer' gear just because a chinese sweatshop worker has sewn on a sought-after label by hand). A compromise was made and then I was faced with another annoying hurdle: All the clothes seemed to be 'slim fit'.

WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THAT ABOUT? I'm a big chap with shoulders to match, so when I try on an XtraLarge top I EXPECT IT TO FIT. Half the stuff I tried on I couldn't even get my bluddy HANDS through, and as for the collar...

As you can tell I got in a mood VERY quickly, and eventually let rip to some poor girl when I asked her did they have any XXL gear in stock. She looked at me and said 'Well, this is cut for a more 'tailored' look, and we don't do sizes that big". I replied back with 'so what you mean is this will only fit someone who's got a pigeon-chest, wrists the size of a girl and a neck like Rodney from Only Fools & Horses?".

There's only one thing for it: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Hence me starting a 'get fit for summer' regime (the idea being to get excercising more so I trim off the festive podge that I'm still clinging too. Hopefully now the nights are drawing out I'll be able to start adding a mid-week ride into the equation, which will do wonders. Add to that a once-weekly 12mile ride into work and I should theoretically be a 'slim fit XL' by July.

My pic for today is, for once, totally unrelated to my words. It's a shot taken from the top of my shed. For no particular reason whatsoever :-)

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