
Spent some time working in the garden this morning, trying to distract myself from my worries. Please don’t feel the need to read what follows below, just enjoy the pretty flowers and butterfly. Just needed to get things off my chest...

What a night... Late night text yesterday from M saying he’d been rushed into hospital and had just had emergency surgery. He couldn’t call as his phone was about to go flat. I spent the night worrying...

What a day... This morning M managed a brief call and was in quite good spirits (thankfully surgery not related to the Big C, he’s been battling for the last 3 years). But he’s still very poorly and will be in hospital for at least a week. So my trip east on Wednesday has had to be put on hold. Of course I offered to head straight to the hospital, but M being M, wants to deal with this on his own. Feel so frustrated that there’s nothing I can do to help...

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