
I've been working in the living room today, usually the coolest room in the house but, to be honest, we don't have a coolest room at the moment. The dogs have been lying around panting, with occasional walks round the garden and Mr DA has been out at the Haslemere Fringe Festival taking photographs. I let him use my telephoto lens for the first time, as it's lighter than his one, which wouldn't normally have been any problem. However, I started hearing a bashing sound on the patio and, when I looked out, it was one of our resident song thrushes (we have several this year) eating a snail. So, armed with only my 100mm macro lens I tried to get a picture but this was the best I managed, and it was through the window. A while later there was an adult song thrush and feeding a juvenile and later still the same juvenile was back doing it all for itself. Quick learner! Maybe tomorrow, when I have a longer lens, I'll get a picture of the juvenile.

What an exciting day of sport! What with England getting to the semi-finals, an eventful first day on the Tour de France, and now (as I type) Edmund battling against Djokovic at Wimbledon. All great to watch but I'm very glad I don't have to do any sport myself in this weather.

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