This afternoon a trip to Princes Street Garden West to see the official reopening/rewatering (if these are the right words) of the Ross Fountain which has been undergoing refurbishment for over two years. This involved a total dismantling of the fountain into its original 122 parts, and sending them off to the restorers in Wigan. Turned out that many parts had to be recast and actually, if they hadn’t been, the fountain would probably fallen to bits.

There was a big crowd to watch Grant Stott (radio personality, panto dame all round good guy) introduce some people including the Lord Provost to say a few words about the refurbishment before some sweet little kids turned a big tap to let water flow.

It all went so well, and the effect is stunning. Since it is so technically advanced, it means that it can run 24 hours a day, still being environmentally friendly as it recycles and cleans the water continually.

Here’s a bit more of the original history of the fountain:

It was produced at the iron foundry of Antoine Durenne in Sommevoire, France, and was an exhibit at the Great Exhibition of 1862. Purchased by gunmaker Daniel Ross in 1862 for £2,000, who subsequently gifted it to the city of Edinburgh. It was transported to Leith in 1869 in 122 pieces and installed in it’s current position in 1872.

Anyway, all in all, a lovely day and looking forward to see the fountain when it is floodlit at night.

Hope you have enjoyed Sunday too.

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