Under the Thunder

Where do I begin? Should we chat about the Canadian Geese that I blipped yesterday, but called ducks? We could twitter on about how some of you fell right into it blindly...right along with me. We could clap our hands for Cari, Azlee and Tookie who were particularly astute and had the courage to speak up and point out that those fellows were likely honking...not quacking!

Maybe we could chat about the awesome and intense...however brief...thunder storm and the pounding rain today. It was followed by beautiful sunlight slipping in under dark clouds. Pretty awesome as it illuminated the bagel sign!

I almost just jumped right into telling you that I won the "Holy Whodunnit" on our local Christian Radio Station this morning. In fact, I caught a photo of the morning radio personality, Rick Stevens, handing me the CD that I won, but I was struck by the natural spotlight on this giant bagel sign, so I almost forgot to tell you at all.

Probably the most important thing I could bring up, however, is the discovery I made today. A year ago, on November 8th, I poured my heart out sharing with you the overwhelmed feelings of the load on my shoulders that day. I had written 4 pages of things in my "God Can" book, that described things that felt too big to solve myself. They had all popped up at once, and I truly felt the weight of the world. Today, when I read the blip again, I couldn't even begin to remember such a long list of burdens that felt like the world would crash down on me a year ago. This made me smile as I realized that they must have all, or mostly, resolved, and the memory of them had faded. Perhaps all except the stress and strain of Mother Comfort feeling so helpless and wanting to move, but afraid to make up her mind. That, I hadn't forgotten. Some of you will remember, that resolved itself over time too.

Tonight we read through the list and I was able to see that almost every issue had come to a reasonable conclusion and I was able to move on. I never like it when a whole lot of things hit at once, but as I mentioned last year...God is efficient, and I'm glad He sometimes sees fit to get a lot of things over with at once. Then we can move on to other things and be thankful.

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