
This weekend has been the 'Paddle Round the Pier' event in Brighton & Hove and we've never been able to go to it before so it was a must do.  There are numerous different events and a 'village' with a fair ground, but the one thing I really wanted to see was the 'Paddle Anything Goes' where people make their own rafts or go out on inflatables.  Alan was going to his shooting club, so Jen and I caught the bus into town and met up with Anne and Stephen, who's a guy with learning difficulties that Anne volunteers with.

Sadly the website times weren't correct as it said it was between 12-2pm, so we didn't rush and arrived at 12.30pm but most of them had already been and come back!  Anyway, it was great fun and the weather was fantastic yet again.  I took my beach shoes so that I could go in the sea and ended up getting rather wet, but it was nice and cooling and soon dried off.

As we walked back, Jen and I stopped for ice cream and I spotted these two mermaids sat on a wall - they were actually raising money for the Lido by selling bags and I asked if I could take their photo.  It was hard choosing my blip, but it really isn't every day you see two beautiful mermaids, so I've added some extras of the rafts.

Once home, Jen and I went in the hot tub and then we went to our local Italian restaurant, VIP, with Alan for dinner.  We went early and came back and sat out in the garden before retreating to the Palace.  It's been a lovely weekend with Jen, but it's gone so fast!  I'm sorry I've not had chance to look at your Blips, but I will catch up, and hope you've had a good weekend too.

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