Not The Destination But The Journey

Woke up to a beautiful hot, sunny morning but more torrential rain is forecast for the next few days so I decided to take the window of opportunity to do my hike up to the top of Mount Rokko and down into Takarazuka. Unfortunately, it was not to be.

I climbed the first mountain OK. Well, I say OK, but a combination of dizziness from the 33 degrees heat and some loose rocks caused me to take a tumble half way up. I fell backwards, hit my head (no blood, luckily), got a pain in my groin and scratched my bottom (though I didn't know that at the time.) I considered turning back at that point but after a little rest the groin pain went away and I felt confident that I wasn't concussed so, being as stubborn as a mule full of endeavour I pushed on.

On the second mountain, unfortunately, I had to concede defeat. First, one route to the summit was blocked by a newly formed rapidly flowing river. When I was here a couple of weeks ago, it was a stream with stepping stones. I didn't fancy being swept away so I tried a different route. That one had been washed away in a landslide. Of course, I knew there was a possibility that this would happen after the three days of torrential rain we have had but, still, I had a lovely walk in the countryside and now, by coming home early, I can go and watch Valerie do some modelling for a photo studio. They put the kimono and make up on her for free and, if she is lucky, her photograph will be chosen to advertise their studio. Fingers crossed.

Valerie looked flamin' gorgeous in her kimono and make up. I'm sure she will be chosen for the promotional poster. The staff also asked her if they could use her photos on Facebook, Instagram and for sample photo albums. She's gonna be a star.

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