That's what this heat is! A day at home staying cool! I had a google of what to do with blackcurrants. I never eat all the jam I make and end up giving it away! I will save jam making for the no cook freezer raspberry jam which I do eat and hopefully the blackberries as I do love Bramble Jelly! So blackberry cordial it was! So easy - a delicious smell and delicious colour and deliciously quick and easy! Plus it tastes delicious too!
In the afternoon I thought of watching the football - but the last time I did so, many years ago, it was a bitter disappointment. The only good thing about it was that I was working at a residential Scope school ( a charity for the disabled, ostensibly the school was for children with cerebral palsy and profound learning difficulties, I actually ended up as Acting head for a year!) and it was two early morning matches, so the chef cooked all the staff breakfast!
However when I checked the score I saw we were 1-0 so decided to watch and hoped I didn't jinx it! Well I didn't! Must admit the best bit was watching the reaction around the country where people had gathered to watch it on big screens - they went wild! Often there was a mass throwing up of drinks in the air - couldn't help thinking how uncomfortably sticky they must all have been afterwards!
I must admit what pleased me even more during the match was the fact I spotted a green Finch on my feeder! I got my camera out but alas it did not appear again - so my blip is the flowers in-front of my window!
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