
Alexander had a 30 Month Check with the Health Visitor - I was told when he was one that they wouldn't see him until he went to school; I thought that was a looong time. According to the HV the government kept cutting back all the checks, and now decided they've gone too far. Apparently this is a pilot which is being rolled out next Spring across the rest of Scotland, so quite a few kids Alexander's age won't get it.

It was entitled 'Ready to Learn' so I guess they've realised that children coming to primary school not able to concentrate and socialise need to be identified and helped earlier. Erm, I could have told them that.

Mainly I had to fill in a questionaire about how I thought he was doing (although I suppose if I had some serious problems myself, I might have had trouble identifying them in him), and he played with the HV. Anyway, we all passed OK, so that's a relief....

We had a bit of time to spare before the appointment so we did a bit of browsing in Tesco. Alexander gets to check out the toys, I had a look at some cakey things and then we both looked at books.... And we didn't spend anything.

I might have done but they didn't have any proper books - only Wolf Hall, which I already have. The rest of it was about 25 different soft porn books, chick lit and crappy thrillers. I tweeted Tesco to say what I thought of that. I'm in danger of becoming a troll..... fol-de-rol

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