Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Everyone was in the gym this morning, well everyone that I know, and what a laugh we had. A few days ago, Des asked me if I wanted a weight, or dumbell ( no jokes please) to work out my arms at home. He could only find the one, and he bought it in for me yesterday, but because  I was walking home, I asked him to bring it in for me today. which he did. We had coffee in the garden, and I had no idea what to do for my blip. I started to take a photo of the roses, and J said, they are looking the worse for wear, but actually, I think, that whatever stage a rose is, they are still beautiful. You can see the new little rosebud, the one that is in full bloom, and the one that may be a bit past it, but is still beautiful, in it's own way. They remind me of the different ages of a woman, each stage is  nature's way of ageing, and each one is beautiful.

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