Captain,Banksy,Toes & Gus

By CaptainBanks

Fill it up son

Checked out some garage sales this morning and bought extra poles for the vine and membrane for the tiles we will lay. Bumped into some of Auntie Jills friends who live nearby and Susan came to say hello too ( a friend of Jills).
We went to see another pool / leisure centre and we had fish and chips for lunch. Then on the way back we found a garden centre place that will sell you a trailer of either soil improver or fertiliser or brickie sand, lend you the trailer and you return it in 2 hours. We got a trailer of brick sand to put some blocks own next to our sheds.
Put the crabbing and fishing gear in the back of the car and dropped the trailer off.
Inevitably we caught nothing but lost a shoe (Rosie's).
Back home for BBQ and movie night.
Never up after 10.30 now, early starts and all.

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