Mickey at the University clinic, Utrecht (NL)

We were received by three students, who all loved Mickey, what's new... he he! Afterwards Yvonne van Zeeland (the avian vet who is treating Mickey for the cushings disease) joined us and she physically examined Mickey. Then on to the CT scan. Needless to say, I couldn't be there, but one of the students was so nice to take some pictures of Mick in the CT with my compact camera. When Mickey still was 'asleep' they also took some blood.
When the blood results come in (incl. the proteins) I will get an email from Yvonne with her diagnoses about the CT scan, blood work etc (probably coming Tuesday). But in short ... The CT scan did not let us see many differences than the previous one (which was done August 2012). Unfortunately there was some more fat in her body again. They also still saw white spots on her lungs and the problem is... They can't see if that is still an active infection (Aspergillosis) or that it just are some scar tissues. To be sure they would have to a lung prick puncture and that is too risky to do that with a little birdy like Mickey. Yvonne doesn't want to take any risk (of course) so Mickey still needs the medicine for the coming period. Hopefully we can change meds, so that we can go back to the Terbinafine (which is much cheaper!).
Waiting for the blood results now!

(Mickey is the first parrot alive all over the world who is diagnosed with Cushings disease).

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