Lancaster Canal

Into Lancaster, this morning, for another trip to the orthodontist with Dan. He was remarkably unfazed by having his braces taken off a couple of weeks ago and he's also seemed pretty ambivalent about the prospect of the clinicians building up a couple of 'thin teeth', which is why we were there, today. That said, once they'd mocked the teeth up using wax, he seemed quite at home with the idea. 

I like these trips out to Lancaster that he and I have. We park down near the Dukes, wander up to the hospital and then, afterwards, go for lunch - sometimes a very early lunch - at Go! Burrito. I took this photo on the way up to the hospital. The canal can look a bit dreary, it's true, but this sunshine makes it rather photogenic :-)

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Reading: David McCourt's 'Total Rethink'

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