Watering Hole

Please will you all put out water for the little hedgehogs at night because it's so dry they are dying of thirst and if mum dies the babies do too. Our little prickly friends are in danger of extinction. A shallow dish so they don't knock it over will do.

This is my watering hole. It's a tray from my greenhouse, We fill it every day to keep it clean.
. The birds bathe in it and drink from it, as do the hedgehogs and any other little garden visitor. The dogs even drink from it. it tends to gather leaves but we empty them out under the seat behind and as they are wet all sorts of creepy crawlies and worms reside in them, which is also great for the birds who spend hours picking them over, probably the hedgehogs too. We also have a hedgehog feeding station with kitten biscuits and fresh water in it. Plus that has bricks that stagger the entrance so the local cats can't get in but the hogs can.

Please don't put slug pellets down either as when the hogs eat the slugs that have eaten the pellets they die an awful agonising death they scream in agony, plus if a cat or dog eats them they can be very ill and possibly die too.

If you see an injured hedgehog, contact your local hedgehog sanctuary they can help, if you see one at the side of the road it may not be dead please check it is. And lastly if you drive please please be careful that you don't run over a hedgehog at night, I see so many dead at the side of the road where they have probably crawled to die after being hit.

Thank you

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