Rhino Poaching: Four Years

'R' is for Rhinoceros! Please LuvvvvThemRhinos!!

I celebrate my 1460th or 4 Year Blip birthday today, by the Grace of God! Nothing less!!

My picture for today is a poster, made by my dearest Grandson, R jr. It was part of one of his projects he had to hand in at University this year. I blipped another part of it here, and for my 3rd Blip birthday I published this artwork of his. For my 2nd Blip birthday the creativity lacked a bit but I was quite proud of my 1st Blip birthday 'work of art' because that one was my own handiwork!! ;-) .... and then, there were my Red Carpet Moment, and my 1000th Blipday!

I feel a deep desire to thank all my Blip Friends and -Family, and of course dear Joe, Graham and the whole of Blip central, for supporting me through the good, the bad and the ugly, for 4 years! I sat and scrolled through my journal early this morning and discovered, with shock to be honest, how many lows there were through which you carried me with love and prayers, and, of course, how many highs, where all of you rejoiced with me and my family! Thank you all, it is deeply appreciated!!

There are, however, less fortunate mammals in our lovely country! The poaching of Rhinos for their horns has started in the very same year I started Blipping, namely 2008! The tally for Rhino killings is unfortunately more than the days I've blipped, the stats are as follows:
2008 - 83 Rhinos were killed ; 2009 - 122 killed ; 2010 - 333 killed ; 2011 - 448 killed; 2012 - up to yesterday 528 already! A total of 1,514 as apposed to my 1,460 Blips! What a shameful disgrace!!

Some good news came to light yesterday though!! A Thai Rhino horn trader got sentenced to 40 years in jail for Rhino Poaching! Will this be enough to scare off future poachers? Let's pray for it and let's click on the various projects on this site and investigate ways to assist the South African National Parks (SANParks) in their huge task of protecting our precious wildlife!

Please read the links on Rhino Poaching, it is precious!!


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