It’s Lily Time again folks.
Well the day started okay but ......
Decided to take Lily & Nora the pup on a picnic to Vogrie Country Park seeing it was nice day. Had a decent walk around the park & spotted a table near the cafe so got a cuppa to go with our food. After we had all eaten thought I’d let N off the lead as there were plenty other dogs around. Just finished out tea’s when N disappeared into a bush there was lots of thrashing about so I went over to get her out & OH BOY!!!
Do not know what was in there ( do you get skunks in Scotland? ) but I was nearly physically sick !!! It was so bad I went to the cafe to get a bucket of soapy water which the chap was kind enough to supply plus cloth. So quick wash down then dash home with car windows open to get her in the bath.
So the end of the picnic was sooner than we had hoped.
I’ve washed the boot etc.out but think I can still smell it.
Away for rest day at golf tomorrow. YIPPEE!!!
PS. Lily thought it was all very funny.
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