
By TBay

Tractor Tuesday.

Well not actually a tractor as such but we have had this leviathan for a few days to see what we think of it. The capacity is around 20 tonnes from what I can gather. Anyway as you tell from the picture my model Gemma makes the whole thing look huge !

Another day in paradise weather wise although I am beginning to think that rain would be rather a good thing now. The trees are just starting to show distinct signs of water deprivation. My roses are also looking as if a darn good dose of water would be good. The lawn has now become tinder dry too so Mr Tbay won’t be mowing that for a while.

Farming - Two on compost hauling and we had the wholecrop team out too.

I spent a large proportion of my day trying to catch up on the annual accounts. Another day at it tomorrow too I think.

Mr Tbay went to Devizes this morning to pick up a wholecrop header glad. At 9 foot it was just too long to fit in his car so he had to take the Ifor William flat bed trailer all the way as well.

Another BBQ this evening. I could get used to this life!,

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