The dropped stitch

By Bodkin


A night at Mary's.

She lives on her own now, in the house her husband built for the family at the beginning of '60s. He made most of the furniture too, though not the dresser. Each item has a story attached to it.

Note the stuffed squirrel top left.

The clock was rescued from the dustbin of a neighbour. The case was beyond repair but Vic got the mechanism working and it became a fixture in their home. Ignoring strict instructions from her daughter, Mary, (at 92), still regularly climbs onto the arm chair to wind it. Whenever I'm staying I enjoy doing this job. It makes a very satisfying sound as you wind the little key round and watch the weight rise up.

The extra is one of just 3 surviving plates from a dinner service they had when the children were growing up. Pausing for only a moment, Mary said she thought the design was called 'Homemaker'. I googled it, and she's right.

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