super pleased with dino t-shirt

Ethan gave Zeke this t-shirt AND a dinosaur to go with. A good day for Zeke!

I felt tired, hot, nauseous and achey and dragged myself to see the midwife hoping to be encouraged. It was the worst midwife appointment ever (even taking into account the appointment where my midwife offered to act as a spiritual medium and contact my recently deceased mother - yes this really happened).

This pregnancy I’ve barely seen the same midwife twice, presumably the result of chronic understaffing and lots of people leaving a hugely pressured profession. So often when you get to the midwife, they’re as stressed as you are, they have no idea who you are and are playing catch up with your notes and it feels far from reassuring for both parties. Today heat + hormones + insensitive “good luck with getting him out in that position” comments = Suzy having a meltdown. It looks like there will be quite a wait to meet the baby.

An extra of Miss Eve reading to me in bed this morning. She’s great wake up company.

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