
The hill is home to what are officially the highest sea cliffs in Europe. They aren’t what I think of as true sea cliffs as they tower above the Frøysjøen, a fjord with little tide or waves. Whatever the hill is 860 metres high and hard work to get up. We were out more 8 hours for 18 kilometres and a lot of ascent as the path wound up and down and around the rocky hillside. The rock is a very coarse Breccia that is extremely rough giving great grip. The sign at the bottom suggested 3 to 4 hours up and we took slightly more as we stopped for lunch. Norwegians are a very patriotic bunch and most houses have a flagpole to fly the flag. Up at the top of the hill is a wee emergency shelter that has a flag and patriotic Norwegians such as this pair fly the flag from the top of the cliffs.

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