This is why I never have any berries left on my holly trees at Christmas. All sorts of birds have been hopping about in there today picking off the berries. Saw lots of blackbirds, a thrush, starlings and even a magpie. Sorry this isn't a very good shot but I took it through the kitchen window.

Had to get up early for a parcel redelivery. I was tempted to go back to bed after it came but I didn't. I have made lentil and bacon soup and done some ironing. That's enough domesticity for today I think so I will have a nice evening watching TV. Neil is due back soon after his rugby match. I hope he has a better result than last week when his team lost 25 - 0.

It has been a bright sunny day but bitterly cold. Hope its a bit warmer tomorrow as I'm off to the football. Newcastle play West Ham. I shall wrap up warm and hope for 3 points.

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