In the morning of the 10th July my Aunty Kathleen arrived. Billy had sourced a spare helmet and gloves, and off we went on my bike (wish I'd got a photo of the pair of us on the bike, it's the first time I've had an adult pillion on her!).
It was about 12 miles to get to Seaham Harbour but we found Tommy without any difficulty. He is very impressive, for size see the extra.
Made of steel he has rusted to a lovely brown, rust, patina. He has a sad face but I don't think I'd be too happy in those WW1 trenches and battlefields.
Very moving ceremonies take place at the location of Tommy on appropriate days such as Remembrance Sunday etc.
The rest of the day was fabulous. About 60 people turned up for Bill's BBQ and Charlie and I did the BBQ cooking (another extra). It went really well and we had a Ukulele band (Big River Ukes Band)
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