
Took Mum to Cornhill House for lunch today and met up with my Aunt and cousins. Had a delicious meal and it was good to see the sisters in good form! They are 87 and 91 respectively and both live independently. On the way home took Mum in to see one of her friends, Mary, in the cottage hospital. Mary' s face just lit up when she realised she had a visitor and as Mum is well known in the area she was recognised by a few of the other patients too. She certainly made their day by chatting and reminiscing.

Earlier we visited our friends Cath and Gordon who were babysitting their lovely wee grandsons. Cath and I both love being Grans and although she is ahead of me at the moment with two grandchildren I will be catching up with her in January when Ali has her second baby!! (10 weeks to go!)

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