Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


We're home!

I got a call from my mum yesterday to say Henry was much worse - not wanting to drink anything and not having wet nappies, and very irritable despite nurofen. We tried to make a GP appointment but they were full so I ended up taking him to A&E.

In A&E we tried a fluid challenge (giving 2.5ml squash every 5 mins) which he failed dismally so we were referred to the children's assessment unit, which is where I worked until 4 weeks ago! We were seen by the consultant straight away which I really appreciated, and he surprised me by saying he thought Henry would have to be admitted for IV fluids. The ulcer on Henry's bottom lip had got bigger and is about 1cm in diameter, so no wonder he didn't want anything touching his mouth!

We had an awful night - the trauma of having a cannula put in, then Henry freaked out every time any of the nurses touched him to check the drip or check his observations - we were probably woken up at least once an hour. Luckily we were in a side room so I didn't have to worry about the noise he was making.

The drip stopped this morning and Henry had a yogurt and 8oz milk so we were allowed home at tea time. Since we got back he's had more yogurt, some balsamic onion and feta cheese pizza and half a digestive biscuit (as seen in today's blip!) but refused his milk - so I think tonight may be difficult as well!

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