

Once Croatia had scored I couldn’t stand the tension so I took Ruby for a walk around the ‘grounds’, still checking my phone for updates. I was also looking for a blip... a red rose, plane trails (they’re coming home!) but the lavender was the best of not a great bunch and still buzzing with bees at that time of the evening. Back home for extra time.... they did well and hopefully our time will come...one day.

In the morning I flicked through BBC catch up to see some of yesterday’s RAF celebrations. I found out that there were 30 second intervals for the different aircrafts flying over and they had a five second leeway to join the ‘procession’ otherwise they couldn’t join. Also, as the helicopters went over (the first ones) the jets were still over the North Sea. The planning and precision of everything is just amazing. Well, I was in awe anyway ;-))

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