House Lights

Barns Ness Lighthouse, East Lothian, just as the sun fell behind the Lammermuir Hills. I cycled south to see what I could see, no particular plans and no particular place to go. (There's a song in there somewhere)...

Larger Light.

I stopped off at Barns Ness and took some pictures for a young family ("Oh, we never have pictures of all of us! Thanks!") who were either amused or disturbed by me lying on the ground to get them in front of the lighthouse, a bit like this. But with them in front... you get the idea.

Then I walked out over the low-tide foreshore to see what I could see. Quite a nice view. Then looked back to shore... and spent 2 hours poised on various rocks to get various angles and reflections. Eventually I realised it wasn't long til sunset, so I looked around a bit more and found my spot.

As usual for sunsets and sunrises, there's a lot in common with fishing - the setup, the wait, the intense activity around the event, packing up and going home, arriving home and processing the catch...

And now for not much. I might even watch telly.

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