Smell that fresh air!
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was just a perfect day. Warm but not hot and relatively low humidity. It was a pleasure to stroll through the garden. This morning it is only 45F and my little pig, Perpetua, looks like she is sniffing the air with delight in the early morning sunshine.
Perpetua was given to me many years ago by a student teacher that was working with me. She had heard how I loved flying pigs, loved the silliness of them, the sheer impossibility of them, and got me this iron sculpture that has graced my yard ever since. When I retired I received a great woodcut of a flying pig from a parent as a parting gift. (extra) On the back she wrote, "From one pig lover to another!"
I was blessed by having wonderful parents who supported my teaching, great colleagues and fabulous memories of the, literally, thousands of students I taught over 30 years. And flying pigs still make me smile!
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