Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

School Play...

... I guess there are many Year Sixes immersing themselves in their final Junior School play at the moment?
Times of transition, letting go of the old and looking forward to the new. Bitter and sweet perhaps?
(Hormones too, ready and waiting for prompting?
Break a leg with that, Mums and Dads!)).

We were fortunate to immerse ourselves in 'The Sound of Music' for a little while. An ambitious (perhaps?) venture, but carried out by the enthusiastic cast with great talent, joy and aplomb.

I wonder whether we have witnessed the first treading of the boards by any future Kate Winsletts or Hugh Grants?

It doesn't really matter, the 'here and now' was savoured by all.

Hats off though to the folk who provided this excellent backdrop. Isn't there amazing talent in our schools? 
(I think they ran up at least seven outfits from some old curtains whilst kicking about in the wings too?).

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