Holbein in Shetland

Another calm day, with a couple of showers in Lerwick.  Mostly overcast all day, but some fine warm sunny spells this evening. 

A day working on the museum desk.  It's been a busy day, with a cruise ship in Lerwick.  There was also some setting up to do for a wedding this coming weekend.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, but most of the night has been in the garden.  Weeding and also helping Cathy next door with weeding.  My cuttings of potentilla have rooted and potted up, but the daisy bushes died, rose and gooseberry cuttings looking hopeful.  Taken more cutting from the hawthorn and also the mock orange.  A lovely smell of juicy fruit chewing gum around the garden tonight, from the mock orange bush.  A night with the telly now.

Ten weeks are nearly up, and this lady's Shetland holiday is almost over.  Lady with a Squirrel and Starling has been very much a success.  It's been wonderful to get a Hans Holbein masterpiece here on the island, and hopefully the National Gallery will lend us others in the future.  Here's my niece Eve (L) with her girlfriend Georgie, a must see for the students who came home from Glasgow college last week.  Taken at the Shetland Museum, Lerwick.  

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