Sandball Fight
Well, we may not have snow here on the East Lothian coast, but we do a good hard frost. This morning was a classic bright, frosty morning so I dragged poor Conor away from the telly and down to the beach for a walk. He was at least able to practice his snowball making technique on the frosty sand (I think I'd prefer snow - ow!)
Very small rant today, aimed at the bloke driving towards me between Dirleton and North Berwick who wavered onto the wrong side of the road causing sudden braking (from me), much swearing (ditto) and a slightly panicky feeling that hasn't really gone away (ditto, and the kids). Also aimed at anyone else who drives when too tired. No excuse. I am lucky enough to have a big, tough car with the chassis of a tank so, providing the rust held it together, I'd probably have come off better. But I'd prefer not to rely on that.
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