Skip's Blips

By Skip

Snowflakes are falling on my head!

And on my eyelashes and on everything else. A surprise snowfall today blanketed the Cleveland area. Some places got 10 inches or more. We only got 3-4 inches. Totally unexpected, it had the TV weatherman offering the explanation that a large area of ice in the western basin of Lake Erie opened up. Without the ice cover, the winds coming across the lake picked up lots of moisture and promptly dumped it on us in the form of snow.

Driving was treacherous at times. Two of my friends (in separate accidents) slid off the interstate on their way to work this morning to avoid sliding into the cars that had lost control in front of them. Thankfully I didn't have to go anywhere.

The weatherman is also telling us that the temperature, which is on the way down to single digits tonight, will zoom up to near 50 degrees by Saturday. I'm hoping that doesn't happen.

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