today is the first day...

By firstday

Date morning

It's no exageration to say that all our recent dates have involved a visit to the wonderful institution that is Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. It has had a recent facelift, and the old hospital shop is now Marks and Spencers! Nom nom. We are planning lunch out on sunday though. Will be lovely.

So halfway oncology appointment. he is really pleased that I have got this far with no hiccups, apart from my lovely infected finger and a few mouth ulcers it has been pretty painless. He did say that keeping busy does keep the nasty side effects away. Those people who give up work and stay home tend to suffer more apparantly. Hes lovely, disappointed he didn't use the feck word today. So bring on the t. Side effects are joint and bone pain. At least there are meds for that. Bring it on.

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