
By Lenore

If it's a picture of Roger

… then I've clearly failed to take a picture of anything else all day! 

First day of work today, which was very relaxed as I was in for the afternoon for a hand-over.  Life is going to be very busy at work it seems, but it also seems like a very good place to work, so I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into it. 

I think we all feel a bit like Roger this evening.  The boys were, as ever, shattered (the eldest went to bed in his clothes as he just wanted to be in bed.  I did manage to bath the youngest, despite a good few tears from him in protest.  I haven't broken it to them that the lovely life we have is about to be turned on it's head and they will be at nursery 5 days a week (during in school term only, thankfully). 

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