Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

In the News

The Meadows, a much-loved green space in south-central Edinburgh, featured on the national news today, as thousands turned out there to protest against Donald Trump's trip to Scotland.  

I was at a singing workshop in nearby Bruntsfield, and when it ended walked  down, hoping I'd find something blipworthy.  I'm sure I would have if I'd got there earlier, but by four pm the sun was blazing and the protesters were mostly wandering off, or sitting on the grass chatting.

Luckily, I spotted this fairly new installation - a mural for Muriel, if you like. 
Muriel Spark, of Miss Jean Brodie fame, grew up and went to school near here, and this is a reference to a passage in the book where the school girls take a walk across the Meadows.  I'm glad to see that the uniforms are the right colour - maroon.  But the hats are wrong!!!  The hats were like an upside down brown paper bag, unique and utterly hideous. Luckily, when I was a pupil there back-combing was the fashion, and it was possible to just about cover the monstrosity with fluffed up hair.  We got through a lot of hair grips and lacquer, but were technically within the rules.  I wonder if Trump got the idea for his hair-do from us??

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