Porch Weather

It is much brighter on the porch now that the roof is clean. I'm happy to say that it is much better without its coating of dust and ash, and OilMan is safely back on the ground hunting ground squirrels and setting smoke bombs. He's already started two fires with smoke bombs, but he insists he has learned his lesson. Yeah....riiiight....

We met some friends at Moonlight Brewing company last night. The  pub is next to the brewery  on Coffey Lane, just across the road from the remains of Coffey Park which burned down in October. It's a large space with a concrete floor, a collection of random items on a red painted wall...a giant slide rule, some ancient rusty saws, a keg that appears to be coming out of the wall and a small sign by the door into the brewery that says 'sauna and cold plunge'. There's a picture in extras taken through the  big open window with a counter which looks out on the parking lot of the industrial park where it is located. The young couple standing outside have their dog, complete with its own bed, at their feet. 

Outside the big window opening is a food truck offering wonderful Vietnamese food. We had barbecued chicken with vegetables over rice noodles. I would go back just for more of those noodles, but they also had a beer I liked called 'Working for Tips', made from the green tips of redwood branches instead of hops. OilMan had 'Bombay by Boat''  an IPA. I think maybe I just don't like hoppy beer because I really enjoyed the redwood beer. It didn't taste like beer. 

The place was quite crowded with people half our age, but the young bartender/waitress brought over several tasters for me to try after OilMan told her I didn't like beer. Other offerings include 'Wee-Nibble',
 'Reality Check' pilsner, 'Misspent Youth' Pale Ale IPA and 'Death and Taxes' Black Beer. Here's a link to their brewing process.

I've gotten caught up on several projects today and am hoping to start getting caught up on comments soon.

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