Gitama's World

By Gitama

Just Couldnt Help Myself.........

....To take another pic of my little photographer.
I really am so impressed at the enthusiasm he is showing in photography now......and I am envious of how easy it is for him to get down low without a thought.
When we get home we download them and I encourage him to talk about the pics that he really likes and what he likes about them......he even stayed with me tonight and helped my edit the ones I had taken too.

Jaiya is still pretty ill so it has been a very busy time for me not much time for anything much...ive even had to request that my cooking fairy come back from her extended holidays and get to work....sigh!....big problem is though is that the boy told him mum that he like my cooking best.....jeez! there is a hot chilli going in his porridge  tomorrow morning....that will definitely put the kibosh on that nonsense.

I liked this me it looked like Beetle was telling him what to take a pic of.

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