Imagine if you ....
..... can!!
When I came back from church this morning I stopped to take a snap of these cottages that looked so lovely in the early morning sunshine. I was trying to imagine how it would have been years ago. No motor vehicles , maybe no proper roads but probably horses and carts the only transport. Things move on and certainly wouldn't do for this day and age. However it's good to reflect sometimes and leaving church seemed the right time to do it.
"A" and I haven't been far today , it's been so hot also I wanted to see the Men's finals at Wimbledon and "A" had enjoyed the end of the football ( I'm not bothered!!).
I'm just cooking the evening meal and "A" is watering the garden, well rather the pots.
Hope you've all had a great Sunday.
Grateful ..... for "A" to keep me company tonight .
Congratulation to Djokovic and well done Anderson it was a great final and certainly the players put on a wonderful show.
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