White Ghost
A really busy day at home. There is just too much to do.
Having cut the front lawn - strands of seeded heads rather than growing grass, it is all very dry and brown - I paused briefly to attempt some shots of bees on the lavender. It is an exaggeration to call it a border, but the six plants are looking good. For the last two weeks there have been loads of bumblebees, and they are still at it.
But it was the white butterfly - a rarity around these parts - that I liked best. Imperfect - focussing is something I need to get my head around - but passable.
Extra - a portrait from yesterday that I rather like. I have downloaded the photos, but haven't had time to look at them yet. I am behind on all sorts of things. But this one did stand out.
I am looking forward to reading some of the instructions for the new camera. Another thing I haven't managed to do yet.
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