Old School Sunday

An old bird in the old bark-house was ranting to a young bird in a new log-house dwelling. (Actually, there were no birds...but why let facts get in the way of a good story?)

"Back in my day,
we didn't have no fancy lumber.
We parked in the bark,
when we needed to slumber."

"Back in my day,
after a day of singing "cheep cheep",
we retired to the bark,
when we needed to sleep."

"I hate to sound,
like I'm going yap-yap...
but we came back to this place,
when we needed to nap."

"The cardinal, the blue jay,
the robin red-breast.
We all came here,
when we needed to rest."

I won't question your house,
I won't turn up my nose.
But this place was great,
when we needed to doze."

"We like your place,
it's really top-drawer.
But we love our place,
when we need a snore."

"We don't want to brag,
and we won't sashay.
But we love our place...
when hitting the hay."


You know you're in trouble when an old guy starts with..."Back in my day"...

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