Katie, sheltered

Buddhist Peace Fellowship of the Bay Area offered Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship a workshop on avoiding burnout. We asked the workshop facilitators to offer the workshop in the OccupyICEPDX encampment, and we thought it was very helpful. They offered us a diagram from their colleague, LiZhen Wang: the inner zone is Comfort, the next zone is Stretching, and the outer zone is Distress. Their question for the workshop was "What can we do to move from Distress back into Stretching or Comfort?" Participants offered a number of techniques, all of which were written on a large sheet of rag paper. As the sun moved into our workshop area, Katie, one of the leaders, took that sheet and made it a makeshift canopy to shield herself from the sun.

The shape she created reminded me of a famous photograph made by an old friend of mine, Max Waldman, now deceased. I googled the photo, made in 1967, and am shocked to see how much a print of it made in 1986 now sells for. Max would be highly amused. I am kicking myself for throwing away the prints he gave me in the 70s. I processed it to look a bit more like Max's prints.

I'm turning comments back on because I miss our conversations. I may have a little more personal time in the coming week. I hope so.

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